CS269: AI Applications in Robotics (fall 2024)

Grading Policies

Grading Metrics
Component Contribution to Grade
Paper Presentations 20%
Paper Response 20%
Class Participation 10%
Final Project 50%
Total 100%
Final Project Grading
Component Contribution to Grade
Project Proposal 5%
Project Milestone Review 5%
Project Presentation 15%
Final Project Report 25%
Total 50%

Paper Presentation ( 2x 10% = 20% )
You are responsible for presenting two papers (each with another classmate), discussing the pros and cons of the paper. Please sign up using the link on Bruinlearn by the start of the second week's class or you will be randomly assigned.
We will allocate 30 minutes for each paper (15 minutes for intro and pros, 10 minutes for cons, and 5 minutes for discussion). Pro presenter is the lead presenter and responsible for the introduction (motivation, background, method, experiments and results).

Paper Response (20%)
For everyone who is not presenting for each class, pick 1 paper out of the 3 assigned readings to write a one-paragraph critique. The critique will be due by 9PM the previous night (Monday/Wednesday) of the class, submit via link on Bruinlearn.
Each critique should include all of the following:
  • A short summary of the main contribution(s) of the paper in your own words (two to three sentences)
  • A short description of how the paper differs from prior work
  • One strength and one weakness of the proposed method, core argument, or experiments
  • At least one question / comment that you'd like me to address during class or that could spur discussion
In all cases, the written critique should provide non-trivial insight into the reading. To get full credit, you must show that you understood and thought critically about the core concepts presented.
Please do not use generative AI to produce the critique.
You may use any tool to help you understand the paper, but do NOT directly take the words from generative AI output!

Class Participation (10%)
Please come to class! Attendence is mandantory as discussion is an important component of this class.
If you need to attend remotely due to travel, please inform the instructor as soon as possible.
If you have to reschedule your assigned presentation time, please ask someone to swap with you in advance and inform the instructor.
You can skip 2 classes without penalty and after that each missed class will cost 1% of your grade.

Final Project
The research project throughout the class should have both an AI component and a robotics component.
You are encouraged to work in a group of 2 to 4 classmates.
If your research work fits the topic of the class, you may use your research project as course project. However, pre-existing research projects will be graded with higher standards.
The main deliverables of the project are:
Project Proposal (5%): A 1-page proposal that has identified the problem definition, a literature survey on the problem, a potential solution, and a timeline. Please turn it in by 11:59PM the day it is due on Canvas.
Project Milestone Review (5%): A 2-page writeup that goes through the progress so far, if there needs to be any changes to the goals, and the updated timeline. Please turn it in by 11:59PM the day it is due on Bruinlearn.
Project Presentation (15%): A short (~15-min) presentation reporting the final findings of the project.
Project Report (25%): A 5-8 page project report. Please turn it in by 11:59PM the day it is due on Bruinlearn (firm).

Late Policy:
Please let the instructor know if you need to submit an assignment late due to conference deadline or travel (exams for other classes are not good reasons for late assignments).
20% will be taken off of any late assignment without advance notice.
No project report will be accepted after posted deadline.

Letter Grade
Letter grades will be assigned using both plus and minus grades as follows:
  • 95% - 100%: A+
  • 93% - 95%: A
  • 90% - 92%: A-
  • 87% - 89%: B+
  • 84% - 86%: B
  • 81% - 83%: B-
  • 78% - 80%: C+
  • 75% - 77%: C
  • 72% - 74%: C-
  • less than 72%: F